Vaas Kahn Grim

Vaas Kahn Grim

C++, Lua and Node.JS Developer

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About Me

Hello, my real name isn't actually Vaas, but it is the name I go by on the internet most of the time. I enjoy developing mainly for a game called Garry's Mod, I mostly work with maps in source engine and gamemode development. I also work with Node.JS and C++ now as well for Garry's Mod and other projects. I'm also able to work with MySQL via lua, php, NodeJS and C++. I have spent 5 years working with lua, 2 years with php, 1 year with NodeJS and half a year with C++. I do not work with C# or Python, I avoid PHP as I prefer working with NodeJS for web development instead.

When it comes to map development I not only use the standard tools such as hammer and blender but also use lua scripts to allow for more enhanced and useful additions to maps I create. I provide map protection services that not only will make decompile attempts insanely difficult but will result in major portions of a map not being able to be taken even if a successful map decompile does occure. I also provide protection methods for textures aswell to make things insanely difficult to work with for any content thats not meant for public use.

Latest Projects

project name

Vaas Weapon Base

A light weight and modular weapons base built for Garry's Mod. It is meant mainly for Roleplay Servers as they are the dominant kind of server and usually are much more fun compared to things like TTT. However it is also able to run on other servers as well as it is a stand alone thing on its own

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project name

Vaas Data Library

A super simple data handling library for both MySQL and file storage of data for garry's mod. This is a WIP project, there may be small bugs as it is being developed. This library offers for easy data storing and retrieving. It aims to allow for storing MySQL using either tmysql4, mysqloo, or via http.Post/Fetch to a webAPI. You will likely have to write your own webAPI for it but the lua portion will be worked on first. Eventually a webAPI wil be shipped with it on github.

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project name


Vaas Admin otherwise known as vAdmin is a admin system for Garry's Mod that was born out of the frustrations of other systems. This system is meant to run extremely light in comparison, have proper MySQL implementation and allow for a more intemate control over a server.

Pending Completion

project name

Garry's Mod Math Caching Module

A project meant for caching math opperations for later retrieval and usage. This aims at keeping the cached math opperations in an organized way and provide helper functions for using it.

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Garry's Mod LongMath Module

A project meant for handling large numbers that do not normally work well in garry's mod lua.

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Garry's Mod UpValues Module

A project meant for restoring removed functions from the Garry's Mod lua api. These functions were removed for security issues that were "unspecified", this module restores them for those wishing to use them legitimately.

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project name

Vaas Garry's Mod Content Protection

Services aiming to protect content from theft for garry's mod. Protection services aim at making map decompiling next to impossible, making the content only useful to the community it belongs to, causing numerous headaches for those attempting to bypass it and enhancing your maps quality. Services not only aim to protect map files but also the assets involved in them

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project name

Garry's Mod Base64 Module

A project meant for adding a missing Base64Decode function in Garry's Mod.

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project name

vDC|Damage Control

A product aimed at making cases of RDM impossible and thus make your job as a server admin easy and simple. The addon is primarily aimed at StarwarsRP but is also functional with some other gamemodes and new gamemodes will be added overtime.

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project name

MAP: Rapadant Venator

A 8 month ongoing project for Rapadant Networks aimed at providing an end all be all map for use. Numerous planets, ships, and locations of a wide veriety are featured in this map. Aswell both fixed world design and random generation of map areas are featured. THIS MAP IS NOT PUBLIC USE!

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project name

MAP: Rapadant Outpost

A smaller scale land based map used at Rapadant Networks. This map is less feature filled than the Rapadant Venator but contains a small outpost and a jedi temple. This map aims at being for more event based purposes. THIS MAP IS NOT PUBLIC USE!

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project name

MAP: Opperation Spire

A small scale event map for Rapadant Networks. This map features a small Emergency FOB, Crashed Venator, underground CIS facility and a small cave filled with crystal formations. The map is a slight edit of a public map and has assets provided with permission to use by a guy named Corvezeo. THIS MAP IS NOT PUBLIC USE!

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project name

MAP: Infinite Forrest

This is an expirementation at generated terreign maps with infinite scaleability. This map is not meant for general use, only demonstration of what is possible in Garry's Mod. This map has assets provided with permission to use by a guy named Corvezeo. THIS MAP IS NOT PUBLIC USE!

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project name

Vaas Pickup Item Base

A super simple item base for pickups that add either armor or health. This is a recreation of another addon which was known for being very poorly optimized.

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Vaas Small Scripts

A small collection of scripts and tools meant for both helping with development and also as examples.

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Fix your gamemode button

A small joke addon for WiltOS.

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MAP:Synergy Endor

A endor outpose I made for Synergy Roleplay ClonewarsRP server. Map features a Jedi Temple, a lake, forestry and an outpose.

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Transmit Tools Reborn

A project meant for fun to see about bringing a long dead module for Garry's Mod back and better than before. Was also meant to help with some other things but never got around to doing much with this project.

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project name

Rapadant GM Loader

A proprietary loader system used by Rapadant Networks. This tool allows for building sub-gamemodes within a single gamemode. This was discontinued as VaasNET has now currently replaced its purpose. Support for this creation is nolonger provided, use at your own risk but don't ask for my help with this.

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project name

Gmod vPhysics Replacement 2019

An inprogress project to recreate vPhysics in hopes of better performance for vPhysics in source engine/Garry's Mod. This project currently is not ready for public use.

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Work Experience

Founder & Lead Developer - Rapadant Networks (2015 - Present)

No Place Like Home

CEO - Rapadant Hosting (2015 - Present)

While currently not open to the public yet, this endevour of mine is still live and well. It will open when the time is right.

Lane Tech - Stars and Strikes (2014 - 2014)

While my time there was brief I got a good eye opening for how some companies operate and view their employees

Moderator - SWRP Developers Discord (2018 - 2020)

I did moderation duties for quite a while for this developer community, including asset verification, report reviews on users, general peace keeping of the discord aswell as helping users with development in Garry's Mod and Lua. Occasionally helping others with C++ or NodeJS on rare occasions.